On-site administrative assistant- manage your trip agenda with personal approach to your needs, ascertaining your vision & requirements
Bucharest Advisors objective is to optimize the chances of the success of your business/leisure trip by becoming your representative abroad and supplying with logistics and skills.
Get the basics of your life in Bucharest covered fast and safe Bucharest Advisors objective is to ensure smooth and successful transition into your new life in Bucharest.
Value your time while enjoying the life abroad
Bucharest Advisors objective is to put at your service our experience, our contacts, our resolving spirit to facilitate your life as an expatriate. The first Concierge Service for Expatriates in Bucharest
Hassle Free Clubbing Experience
Bucharest nightlife service catering exclusively to foreigners who chose our city to celebrate and party! While we are the Bucharest nightlife experts, we are also specialized event planners.